Chapter six:
Deep Thoughts

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Relationship Insurance?

The last decade of insurance advertising–and car insurance advertising in particular–has been really interesting to watch. Insurance brands have employed a lot of characters and

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Who Loves You?

As I’m putting inscribed candy hearts into the last of my Valentines (Be Mine…Luv U…Text Me) I can’t help thinking that the only thing that

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Purposely Conflicted

The Association of National Advertisers held its 100-year anniversary convention recently, and the headline in Advertising Age caught my attention. It said: Purpose-Driven Marketing All

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The War on Food

A couple of weeks ago I was talking to a senior marketer at a major global food company and he described the current environment as

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Warrior or Mercenary?

I read the Ad Age interview with Bob McDonald, Procter & Gamble’s new CEO, with great interest. Two things jumped out at me–in fact, they

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The Purpose of Purpose

It seems like a lot of brands are starting to understand that making the most money isn’t an emotionally engaging reason to exist. Certainly, making

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